hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080807/iprscan-20080807-12384863/chunk_1/iprscan-20080807-12384863.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: bm02405 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00320 277.7 9e-79 8 SM00256 42.3 6.3e-08 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00256 1/1 201 241 .. 1 41 [] 42.3 6.3e-08 SM00320 1/8 286 324 .. 1 46 [] 35.9 5.5e-06 SM00320 2/8 327 364 .. 1 46 [] 39.8 3.7e-07 SM00320 3/8 367 404 .. 1 46 [] 44.6 1.3e-08 SM00320 4/8 407 444 .. 1 46 [] 36.4 3.7e-06 SM00320 5/8 447 484 .. 1 46 [] 44.1 1.8e-08 SM00320 6/8 487 524 .. 1 46 [] 30.1 0.00031 SM00320 7/8 527 567 .. 1 46 [] 46.2 4.2e-09 SM00320 8/8 570 618 .. 1 46 [] 0.5 4.1e+02 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00256: domain 1 of 1, from 201 to 241: score 42.3, E = 6.3e-08 *->LPieileeIlskLdpkdllrlrkVsrkwrslidshdfwfkr<-* LP e+ + +ls+L+pkdll++ +++r wr l ++ +w+++ bm02405 201 LPKELALYVLSFLEPKDLLQAAQTCRYWRILAEDNLLWREK 241 SM00320: domain 1 of 8, from 286 to 324: score 35.9, E = 5.5e-06 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW + k ++lkgH++ + +t+++f+ + +++sgs+D+t+++W bm02405 286 ElKSPKVLKGHDD-HVITCLQFCGN--------RIVSGSdDNTLKVW 323 d<-* + bm02405 324 S 324 SM00320: domain 2 of 8, from 327 to 364: score 39.8, E = 3.7e-07 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t+k+lrtl gHtg +V+s + ++ +++sgs+D+t+++W bm02405 327 TgKCLRTLVGHTG--GVWSSQMRDN--------IIISGStDRTLKVW 363 d<-* + bm02405 364 N 364 SM00320: domain 3 of 8, from 367 to 404: score 44.6, E = 1.3e-08 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t+++++tl gHt+ V+++ + +++sgs+D t+r+W bm02405 367 TgECIHTLYGHTS--TVRCMHLHEK--------RVVSGSrDATLRVW 403 d<-* d bm02405 404 D 404 SM00320: domain 4 of 8, from 407 to 444: score 36.4, E = 3.7e-06 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t+++l++l gH + +V++v+++ +++sg D +++W bm02405 407 TgQCLHVLMGHVA--AVRCVQYDGR--------RVVSGAyDFMVKVW 443 d<-* d bm02405 444 D 444 SM00320: domain 5 of 8, from 447 to 484: score 44.1, E = 1.8e-08 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t ++l+tl+gHt+ +V+s++f+ +++sgs D +ir+W bm02405 447 TeTCLHTLQGHTN--RVYSLQFDGI--------HVVSGSlDTSIRVW 483 d<-* d bm02405 484 D 484 SM00320: domain 6 of 8, from 487 to 524: score 30.1, E = 0.00031 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t+++++tl+gH++ +++ ++ +l+sg D+t+++W bm02405 487 TgNCIHTLTGHQS--LTSGMELKDN--------ILVSGNaDSTVKIW 523 d<-* d bm02405 524 D 524 SM00320: domain 7 of 8, from 527 to 567: score 46.2, E = 4.2e-09 *->t.kllrtlk...gHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.Dgti t+++l+tl++++ H++ +Vt+++f+ + +++++s+Dgt+ bm02405 527 TgQCLQTLQgpnKHQS--AVTCLQFNKN--------FVITSSdDGTV 563 rlWd<-* +lWd bm02405 564 KLWD 567 SM00320: domain 8 of 8, from 570 to 618: score 0.5, E = 4.1e+02 *->t.kllrtlk.....gHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.Dg t++ +r l + +++g g V+ ++ s + + a+gs++g bm02405 570 TgEFIRNLVtlesgGSGG--VVWRIRASNTK------LVCAVGSrNG 608 t....irlWd<-* t+++++ + d bm02405 609 TeetkLLVLD 618 //