hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080809/iprscan-20080809-05290479/chunk_1/iprscan-20080809-05290479.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: fg00167 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00150 260.6 1.2e-73 5 SM00291 74.9 9.7e-18 1 SM00456 50.5 2.2e-10 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00150 1/5 175 278 .. 1 104 [] 72.0 7.5e-17 SM00150 2/5 285 387 .. 1 104 [] 40.8 1.9e-07 SM00150 3/5 394 503 .. 1 104 [] 57.5 1.7e-12 SM00150 4/5 510 632 .. 1 104 [] 36.9 2.7e-06 SM00150 5/5 639 741 .. 1 104 [] 53.4 2.9e-11 SM00456 1/1 758 790 .. 1 34 [] 50.5 2.2e-10 SM00291 1/1 1009 1054 .. 1 46 [] 74.9 9.7e-18 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00150: domain 1 of 5, from 175 to 278: score 72.0, E = 7.5e-17 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleekeqllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqalea F+r+ el +Wl+ q+ +s+ + ++Dle++++++ k++a ++ fg00167 175 ADFNRAWTELTDWLSLLDQVIKSQRVM-VGDLEDINEMIIKQKATMQ 220 elaaheervdalnelgeqLiee.sghpdaeeIeerleelnerWeeLlela +l+++++++++l+ +++ L++++s+ ++ I +r+e+++++W+e++e + fg00167 221 DLEQRRPQLEELITAAQNLKNKtSNQEARTIITDRIERIQNQWDEVQEHL 270 eeRrqkLe<-* ++Rrq+L+ fg00167 271 QNRRQQLN 278 SM00150: domain 2 of 5, from 285 to 387: score 40.8, E = 1.9e-07 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale q+l++ +e+e+ l+ + +l s ++ + +++++++++ + ++l fg00167 285 TQWLEAKEEAEQVLGQARaKLESWKEGP--YTVDAIQKKITETKQLA 329 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleelnerWeeLlela ++l +++ vd n+l+ +L+++++ +d ++ e++n+ W+++++++ fg00167 330 KDLRQWQTNVDVANDLALKLLRDYSADDTRKVHMITENINASWRSIHKRV 379 eeRrqkLe<-* eR+++Le fg00167 380 SEREAALE 387 SM00150: domain 3 of 5, from 394 to 503: score 57.5, E = 1.7e-12 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke......qllssedlgeskDlesveallkk qqF d++ ++aWl+e+e++ + q ++ ++ D +v++l+k+ fg00167 394 QQFPLDLEKFLAWLTEAEttanvlQDATRKERL-LEDSKGVKELMKQ 439 HqaleaelaaheervdalnelgeqLiee.sghpdaeeIeerleelnerWe q+l+ e++ah + + +l+e ++++++ +g +da +++rl+++n +W fg00167 440 WQDLQGEIEAHTDVYHNLDENSQKILRSlEGSDDAVLLQRRLDNMNFKWS 489 eLlelaeeRrqkLe<-* eL++++ + r +Le fg00167 490 ELRKKSLNIRSHLE 503 SM00150: domain 4 of 5, from 510 to 632: score 36.9, E = 2.7e-06 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale +++ ++el+ Wl+ k ++l + ++g +D ++v+++ + H a++ fg00167 510 KRLHLSLQELLVWLQLKDdELSRQAPIG--GDFPAVQKQNDVHRAFK 554 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerl.............. +el+++e+ + + e+ + ++ e + e e+l +++++ +++++ + fg00167 555 RELKTKEPVIMSTLETVRIFLTE----QPLEGLEKLyqeprelppeeraq 600 ..........eelnerWeeLlelaeeRrqkLe<-* + ++ +++ ee+n++We+L ++++++k + fg00167 601 nvtrllrkqaEEVNTEWEKLNLHSADWQRKID 632 SM00150: domain 5 of 5, from 639 to 741: score 53.4, E = 2.9e-11 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale ++++++ del+ l+ +e s +++g + ++s+++ l+k +al+ fg00167 639 RELQEATDELDLKLRQAEvIKGSWQPVG-DLLIDSLQDHLEKVKALR 684 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleelnerWeeLlela e+a +e v+++n+l++qL g +++ le+ln+rW+ L+ ++ fg00167 685 GEIAPLKENVSHVNDLARQLTTL-GIQLSPYNLSTLEDLNTRWKLLQVAV 733 eeRrqkLe<-* e+R ++L fg00167 734 EDRVRQLH 741 SM00456: domain 1 of 1, from 758 to 790: score 50.5, E = 2.2e-10 *->plPpgWeerkdpdsGrpYYyNheTketqWekPre<-* +++++We++++p+ + pYY+NheT++t+W++P + fg00167 758 SVQGPWERAISPN-KVPYYINHETQTTCWDHPKM 790 SM00291: domain 1 of 1, from 1009 to 1054: score 74.9, E = 9.7e-18 *->vhhsvsCdgCgkepivgvRYkClvCpDYDLCesCfakGghhgeHam< +h+++C++C+ +pi+g+RY++l++++YD+C+sCf G++++ H+m fg00167 1009 AKHQAKCNICKECPIIGFRYRSLKHFNYDICQSCFFSGRVAKGHKM 1054 -* fg00167 - - //