hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20090618/iprscan-20090618-10041496/chunk_1/iprscan-20090618-10041496.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: fj12189 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00112 361.5 5.3e-104 6 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00112 1/6 215 301 .. 1 121 [] 68.4 8.9e-16 SM00112 2/6 325 407 .. 1 121 [] 7.1 0.47 SM00112 3/6 437 516 .. 1 121 [] 24.0 0.011 SM00112 4/6 540 620 .. 1 121 [] 100.1 2.7e-25 SM00112 5/6 644 723 .. 1 121 [] 104.0 1.7e-26 SM00112 6/6 750 834 .. 1 121 [] 57.9 1.3e-12 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00112: domain 1 of 6, from 215 to 301: score 68.4, E = 8.9e-16 *->vsAtDaDsgsngeNgkpgdaevvtYsils...lFsIdpetGtng... A+D+D g Ng tY++l+ +++F++d e +ng+++ fj12189 215 HPAVDPDVG---INGV------QTYRLLDyhgMFTLDVEENENGert 252 psLvkleiiitttkpLDREeqflkreqtdeseYtLtveAtDgGgpppgds p +++ ++LDRE+q ++Y +++A DgG+pp fj12189 253 P-------YLIVMGALDRETQ---------DQYVSIIIAEDGGSPP---- 282 sptrksqqtpplsstatvtvtVlDvNDNaP<-* l ++at+t+ + D+NDN P fj12189 283 -----------LLGSATLTIGISDINDNCP 301 SM00112: domain 2 of 6, from 325 to 407: score 7.1, E = 0.47 *->vsAtDaDsgsngeNgkpgdaevvtYsils........lFsIdpetGt v+A+D+D g +N++ +tYs +++ ++ +++lF++d++tG fj12189 325 VQAVDKDLG---TNAQ------ITYSYSQkvpqaskdLFHLDENTG- 361 ngpsLvkleiiitttkpLDREeqflkreqtdeseYtLtveAtDgGgpppg i +++ + +++ Lt+ A +G+ fj12189 362 --------VIKLFS--KIGGSVL---------ESHKLTILA--NGPGC-- 388 dssptrksqqtpplsstatvtvtVlDvNDNaP<-* + t v ++ v +P fj12189 389 -------------IPAVITALVSIIKVIFRPP 407 SM00112: domain 3 of 6, from 437 to 516: score 24.0, E = 0.011 *->vsAtDaDsgsngeNgkpgdaevvtYsils..lFsIdpetGtngpsLv ++ +D+ k v + + ++++F++ p n+ fj12189 437 FTIRDPEG-----KYK------VNCYLDGegPFRLSPYKPYNN---- 468 kleiiitttkpLDREeqflkreqtdeseYtLtveAtDgGgpppgdssptr e+ + ttkp D+E q + Y++ v+A ++ g fj12189 469 --EYLLETTKPMDYELQ---------QFYEVAVVAWNSEG---------- 497 ksqqtpplsstatvtvtVlDvNDNaP<-* + + v++lD NDNaP fj12189 498 -------FHVKRVIKVQLLDDNDNAP 516 SM00112: domain 4 of 6, from 540 to 620: score 100.1, E = 2.7e-25 *->vsAtDaDsgsngeNgkpgdaevvtYsils....lFsIdpetGtngps + AtDaDs+ e g+ v+Y + ++ +++Fs+d+ tG fj12189 540 LYATDADSE---ERGQ------VSYFLGPdapsYFSLDSVTG----- 572 LvkleiiitttkpLDREeqflkreqtdeseYtLtveAtDgGgpppgdssp i+t++ +LDREe+ ++Y+ tv+A+D G pp fj12189 573 ------ILTVSTQLDREEK---------EKYRYTVRAVDCGKPP------ 601 trksqqtpplsstatvtvtVlDvNDNaP<-* ++s atv tVlD NDN P fj12189 602 ---------RESVATVALTVLDKNDNSP 620 SM00112: domain 5 of 6, from 644 to 723: score 104.0, E = 1.7e-26 *->vsAtDaDsgsngeNgkpgdaevvtYsils...lFsIdpetGtngpsL +s+tDaD+g Ng+ v s++++++ F Id+ G fj12189 644 ISVTDADAG---RNGW------VALSVVNqsdIFVIDTGKG------ 675 vkleiiitttkpLDREeqflkreqtdeseYtLtveAtDgGgpppgdsspt ++++ +LDRE+q s+YtL veA+DgG+p fj12189 676 -----MLRAKVSLDREQQ---------SSYTLWVEAVDGGEPA------- 704 rksqqtpplsstatvtvtVlDvNDNaP<-* lssta +t+ +lD+NDN+P fj12189 705 --------LSSTAKITILLLDINDNPP 723 SM00112: domain 6 of 6, from 750 to 834: score 57.9, E = 1.3e-12 *->vsAtDaDsgsngeNgkpgdaevvtYsils.......lFsIdpetGtn v A+D+D+g N+ + Ysi+++++++++ F+Idp+tG+ fj12189 750 VYAVDKDTG---MNAV------IAYSIIGrrgprpeSFRIDPKTGN- 786 gpsLvkleiiitttkpLDREeqflkreqtdeseYtLtveAtDgGgpppgd it+ ++L + ++L v+++D+G p p fj12189 787 ----------ITLEEALLQTDY---------GLHRLLVKVSDHGYPEP-- 815 ssptrksqqtpplsstatvtvtVlDvNDNaP<-* l st++v+ +V D N fj12189 816 ------------LHSTVMVNLFVNDTVSNES 834 //