hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080810/iprscan-20080810-23181043/chunk_1/iprscan-20080810-23181043.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: fk01475 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00100 208.0 8.5e-58 2 SM00394 71.2 1.3e-16 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00394 1/1 26 63 .. 1 39 [] 71.2 1.3e-16 SM00100 1/2 173 293 .. 1 123 [] 101.9 7.3e-26 SM00100 2/2 295 419 .. 1 123 [] 106.1 4.1e-27 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00394: domain 1 of 1, from 26 to 63: score 71.2, E = 1.3e-16 *->hglqaLLedltveVlraqPsDlvqFaadYFnekLeeqRa<-* gl++LL+++tveVlr+qP+Dl++Fa ++F ++L+++++ fk01475 26 AGLTELLQGFTVEVLRHQPADLLEFALQHF-TRLQQENE 63 SM00100: domain 1 of 2, from 173 to 293: score 101.9, E = 7.3e-26 *->lfkaldaeelreladalepvrypaGevifrqGdpgdsfYiivsGeve lfk+ld+e++++++da++++ +++Ge ++ qGd gd+fY+i +G+++ fk01475 173 LFKNLDPEQMSQVLDAMFEKLVKDGEHVIDQGDDGDNFYVIDRGTFD 219 vyktrlstledgreqilatlgpGdfFGElall...rrarsaaavalvela +y++ dg + ++ + +FGElal+ +++ra++++a++ l+ fk01475 220 IYVK-----CDGVGRCVGNYDNRGSFGELALMyntPRAATITATSPGALW 264 tllridferflqllpenpqlllelllell<-* l+r++f+r++ + +++++e ++e l fk01475 265 GLDRVTFRRIIVKNNAKKRKMYESFIESL 293 SM00100: domain 2 of 2, from 295 to 419: score 106.1, E = 4.1e-27 *->lfkaldaeelreladalepvrypaGevifrqGdpgdsfYiivsGeve ++k+l+ +e+++++d++ +++y +Ge i++qGd +dsf+i++sGev+ fk01475 295 FLKSLEFSERLKVVDVIGTKVYNDGEQIIAQGDSADSFFIVESGEVK 341 vykt..rlstledgreqilatlgpGdfFGElall.rrarsaaavalvela ++ +++++s+ e+ + +++a++++G++FGElal+++ +r+a+a a + fk01475 342 ITMKrkGKSEVEENGAVEIARCSRGQYFGELALVtNKPRAASAHAI-GTV 390 tllridferflqllpenpqlllelllell<-* ++l +d + f++ll+ ++++++++++++ fk01475 391 KCLAMDVQAFERLLGPCMEIMKRNIATYE 419 //