hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080811/iprscan-20080811-05420756/chunk_1/iprscan-20080811-05420756.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: fk08334 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00369 181.7 6.8e-50 10 SM00408 55.3 7.9e-12 1 SM00409 47.5 1.8e-09 1 SM00365 25.4 0.0082 3 SM00082 25.1 0.0099 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00365 1/3 117 138 .. 1 22 [] 3.9 2.7e+02 SM00369 1/10 117 140 .. 1 24 [] 14.6 6.8 SM00369 2/10 141 164 .. 1 24 [] 25.3 0.0083 SM00369 3/10 165 188 .. 1 24 [] 32.8 4.6e-05 SM00365 2/3 165 191 .. 1 22 [] 13.9 16 SM00369 4/10 189 212 .. 1 24 [] 20.2 0.29 SM00369 5/10 213 236 .. 1 24 [] 6.4 69 SM00369 6/10 237 260 .. 1 24 [] 12.3 13 SM00369 7/10 261 284 .. 1 24 [] 19.9 0.35 SM00365 3/3 261 287 .. 1 22 [] 7.5 98 SM00369 8/10 285 308 .. 1 24 [] 15.0 6.1 SM00369 9/10 334 358 .. 1 24 [] 14.8 6.5 SM00369 10/10 359 382 .. 1 24 [] 20.4 0.26 SM00082 1/1 394 446 .. 1 55 [] 25.1 0.0099 SM00409 1/1 455 540 .. 1 58 [] 47.5 1.8e-09 SM00408 1/1 461 529 .. 1 56 [] 55.3 7.9e-12 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00365: domain 1 of 3, from 117 to 138: score 3.9, E = 2.7e+02 *->LtnLeeLdLsqNkIkkiENLde<-* L nL+eLdLsqN + + d fk08334 117 LANLTELDLSQNSFSDARDCDF 138 SM00369: domain 1 of 10, from 117 to 140: score 14.6, E = 6.8 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L nL+eLdLs N ++ + F+ fk08334 117 LANLTELDLSQNSFSDARDCDFHA 140 SM00369: domain 2 of 10, from 141 to 164: score 25.3, E = 0.0083 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* Lp+L +L+L+ NqLt+L + F+g fk08334 141 LPQLLSLHLEENQLTRLEDHSFAG 164 SM00369: domain 3 of 10, from 165 to 188: score 32.8, E = 4.6e-05 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L +L+eL+L++NqL ++ p+aF+g fk08334 165 LASLQELYLNHNQLYRIAPRAFSG 188 SM00365: domain 2 of 3, from 165 to 191: score 13.9, E = 16 *->LtnLeeLdLsqNkI.....kkiENLde<-* L L+eL+L++N++ + ++ +++L++ fk08334 165 LASLQELYLNHNQLyriapRAFSGLSN 191 SM00369: domain 4 of 10, from 189 to 212: score 20.2, E = 0.29 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L+nL +L+L++N L+++ ++ F+ fk08334 189 LSNLLRLHLNSNLLRAIDSRWFEM 212 SM00369: domain 5 of 10, from 213 to 236: score 6.4, E = 69 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* LpnL+ L ++N+ ++ + F++ fk08334 213 LPNLEILMIGGNKVDAILDMNFRP 236 SM00369: domain 6 of 10, from 237 to 260: score 12.3, E = 13 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L nLr+L L + +L+++ + a++g fk08334 237 LANLRSLVLAGMNLREISDYALEG 260 SM00369: domain 7 of 10, from 261 to 284: score 19.9, E = 0.35 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L +L++L+ +NqL ++P++a++ fk08334 261 LQSLESLSFYDNQLARVPRRALEQ 284 SM00365: domain 3 of 3, from 261 to 287: score 7.5, E = 98 *->LtnLeeLdLsqNkI.....kkiENLde<-* L+ Le+L++++N++ + +++ +E + + fk08334 261 LQSLESLSFYDNQLarvprRALEQVPG 287 SM00369: domain 8 of 10, from 285 to 308: score 15.0, E = 6.1 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* p L+ LdL+ N L+++ pg F++ fk08334 285 VPGLKFLDLNKNPLQRVGPGDFAN 308 SM00369: domain 9 of 10, from 334 to 358: score 14.8, E = 6.5 *->LpnLreLdLsnN.qLtsLPpgaFqg<-* Lp+L++Ld nN++L+ ++p+aF++ fk08334 334 LPELTKLDITNNpRLSFIHPRAFHH 358 SM00369: domain 10 of 10, from 359 to 382: score 20.4, E = 0.26 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* Lp+ ++L L+nN+L++L++++ ++ fk08334 359 LPQMETLMLNNNALSALHQQTVES 382 SM00082: domain 1 of 1, from 394 to 446: score 25.1, E = 0.0099 *->NPfnCDCeLrwLlrwleaqnnealqdpvsslrCasPeslrGqpllll NP +CDC +rw + +++ + ++++ s++Ca+P++l+ p++++ fk08334 394 NPIRCDCVIRW--ANATGTRVRFIEPQ--STLCAEPPDLQRLPVREV 436 lp..sefsCp<-* + ++ ++ C fk08334 437 PFreMTDHCL 446 SM00409: domain 1 of 1, from 455 to 540: score 47.5, E = 1.8e-09 *-> pp++ v Ges +L+C+a + ++i+W ++ + + ++ + +++ + fk08334 455 PPsLQVASGESMVLHCrALaepepEIYWVtpaglrltpahagrryrv 501 .....LtI.nvtpeDsesgGtYtCaat..sgsasseqgttLtVl<-* + ++L++++vt+e + G YtC+a++ g +++ ++ + V fk08334 502 ypegtLELrRVTAEEA---GLYTCVAQnlVGADTK--TVSVVVG 540 SM00408: domain 1 of 1, from 461 to 529: score 55.3, E = 7.9e-12 *->leGqsVtLtCpasgdpvpnItWlk..gkplp...........sgstL +G+s +L C+a + p+p+I W+ + g +l + + +++ + ++tL fk08334 461 ASGESMVLHCRALAEPEPEIYWVTpaGLRLTpahagrryrvyPEGTL 507 tiknvsleDsGlYtCvArNsvg<-* ++++v+ e +GlYtCvA+N vg fk08334 508 ELRRVTAEEAGLYTCVAQNLVG 529 //